As Americans shutter themselves inside and only venture out for fresh air and supplies, It is necessary to prepare for the renaissance that will lead us back into prosperity.
Modern Auto plants only require about 300 people, mostly maintenance and robot repairmen. A hundred years ago Ford had 52,000 assembly line workers. Coal demand is down, and many mines are closed. The expectation of having a “job at the plant” these days is more of a fantasy then a reality, unless you are a robot repairman. Logging is done by heavy machinery, and many mills are automated as well. What are humans to do? All of the “well Paying” menial jobs are being replaced by machines. Since we can’t (and most likely should not) wish these horrible jobs back, I have other ideas.
America is the thought, fashion, and future projection to the world. Other countries look to us as a role model and mass produce our architecture, art, manufacturing designs, and technological innovation.
Once we get past this pandemic, and we will, we can have a “dark ages” or a “renaissance”. I vote for the renaissance.
In between binge watching TV and working, we need to get cracking on art; engineering; education; and retooling for the next decade and beyond.
After Katrina, artists in New Orleans took old slate roof tiles and used them as the canvas for their artwork. (eBay link opens in new window). The French Quarter is buttoned up tight right now, but you can bet there will be a resurgence in disaster inspired artwork coming!
You can make paper mache’ art with old newspapers, and sell it on Amazon, eBay, or your own website. There are kits and instruction manuals on Amazon and you can get inspired.
I don’t care if you are making sculpture from toilet paper rolls, or finally getting an easel and making wondrous paintings from the pain of this pandemic; All I am saying is that we, as a people, need to lead the world (not in virus statistics) but in inspiration and creativity.
Learn how to paint. Paint what is around you. Get a sketchbook.
Start a Blog. Photograph and video what you are doing. It may seem mundane to you, but exciting to someone else – that is your audience!
Learn to play the piano, or guitar. Get an Action Camera and record what you do. Take an acting class. Make a “How-to-Do-It” DIY guide.
Put all your work on Instagram, Facebook, imgur, and other social media sites. Ask for suggestions, and feedback.
But what if you are “stuck”, and can’t get started? Read this:

IT starts now.
You have the power to change the world. Get started. Create, influence, Blog, educate. You can do it. Even I can do it – Thanks for reading my blog!